MEAL Documents
Focus Group Discussions
This quality standard checklist (QSC) can be used when planning focus group discussions (FGDs) as well as for monitoring the performance of FGD facilitators
Evaluation Report
This template can be adapted to include all the recommendations and the project team’s response to all of them.
Organizational level MEAL checklist
This checklist was developed to ensure that MEAL processes and standards are integrated with other quality management procedures, and streamlined to projects.
Project level MEAL checklist
The checklist enables its users to make sure that all the important MEAL steps are considered and included in the project cycle
Indicator Tracking Template
It provides a snapshot of project status, providing management, partners, and donors with information they can use to make necessary changes to implementation strategies.
Community Feedback and Response Mechanism Policy
This policy provides a set of main principles and steps that organization follows in all its operations.
Terms of Reference for an Evaluation
Document to specify your evaluation needs.
Results Framework Template
Results Framework needs to be completed before you start any project activates, including baseline study.