Management and Partnership Documents

  • Code of Conduct

    Code of Conduct tells what you believe as an organization and outlines how employees are expected to behave and treat people they interact with.

  • CSO Mapping Template

    Key information to collect when researching the different civil society actors involved in a sector, area or programme issue

  • Organization Risk Register Template

    Template for internal coordination on key organizational risks, their potential impact and the actions you are taking to mitigate them.

  • Code of Conduct Key Principles for Third Parties

    Add this document as an annexe to the contract of your supplier. Make sure that your contractor complies with your rules.

  • Conflict of Interest Policy

    Provides guidance on organizational commitment to minimize conflict of interest related risks via clear definitions examples and descriptions of the standards and responsibilities.

  • Conflict of Interest Declaration Form

    A form key management staff and board members should fill out to record their interests. This is then inputted into the Register of Interests

  • Register of Interests Example

    Example of a register of interests which lists all potential interests and can be used for managing conflicts of interests during partnership development and procurements.

  • Volunteerism handbook

    CSO can use this handbook, as a practical manual based on international best practices and methodologies.

